SUSTAINABILITY Lawson Group Human Rights Policy

We* think about the kinds of contributions we can make for people, and act accordingly on a daily basis in the belief that our actions will ultimately help us achieve our Group Philosophy of “Creating Happiness and Harmony in Our Communities.”
Based on this belief, we express our support for the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact, including the principles regarding human rights, and we also support and respect international norms such as the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the Children’s Rights and Business Principles. To this end, we have established the following Lawson Group Human Rights Policy as our top-level basic policy on human rights based on the Lawson Group Corporate Conduct Charter.
In order to realize this policy, we will promote efforts to respect human rights in various aspects of our business activities.

*The term “we” refers to all directors and employees of Lawson Group companies to whom this policy applies.

1. The Lawson Group's approach to respecting human rights and the expectations of stakeholders

We will respect human rights in our business activities and build relationships of trust with all people involved in our business activities through sincere dealings.
We also expect our customers, business partners, local communities, and all other stakeholders who support our business activities to agree with this policy, and will continue our efforts to respect human rights through dialogue and consultation with our stakeholders.

2. Priority themes related to human rights

We have set the following items as priority themes and will implement them appropriately.

  • Prohibition of discrimination
    We will respect the human rights of people we come into contact with in all aspects of our business activities and will not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, place of origin, gender, age, disability, religion, belief, ideology, career history, gender identity, sexual orientation, or employment status.
  • Prohibition of child labor
    We will implement initiatives to prevent the use of child labor in order to ensure educational opportunities for the children who will be responsible for creating a sustainable society and to protect their future.
  • Prohibition of forced labor
    We will prohibit forced labor and provide rewarding jobs so that workers can engage in lively and humane work based on their free will.
  • Appropriate payment of wages and proper management of working hours
    We will implement initiatives to ensure appropriate wages are paid and work is performed properly by managing working hours so that workers lead healthy and cultured lives.
  • Equal employment opportunities
    We will comply with all relevant laws and regulations regarding the employment of human resources and implement initiatives to ensure equal opportunities.
  • Protection of workers and prohibition of harassment
    In order to maintain the safety and physical and mental health of workers, we will promote the creation of a comfortable working environment and workplace environment, as well as implement measures to eradicate all forms of abuse, harassment, discrimination and bullying. We also respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining based on free will.
  • Respect for personal information and privacy
    In handling personal information, we will comply with all relevant laws, regulations and other norms, and implement measures to respect the privacy and protect the personal information of all people involved in our business activities.

3. Practice of human rights due diligence

We will practice “human rights due diligence” in order to identify, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise correct any negative impacts on human rights arising from our business activities.
If a human rights impact assessment reveals that we have caused or been involved in activities which have had a negative impact on human rights, we will take measures to remedy this through the appropriate procedures.
We will regularly evaluate the results of this “human rights due diligence” through internal and external expertise and dialogue with our stakeholders to confirm whether appropriate consideration is being given to human rights, and will correct any inadequacies.

4. Response to consultations and reports, and resolving and correcting problems

We will set up multiple contact points, both inside and outside the company, so that all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, and members of the local community, can consult about and report human rights issues. We will strictly protect the privacy of persons consulting or reporting, and if they wish to remain anonymous, we will maintain their confidentiality while we work to resolve and correct problems through response and investigation by disinterested parties.

5. Promoting education and awareness on human rights

The compliance officers and training departments of each Lawson Group company will promote education and awareness so that all people involved in our business activities understand the importance of respecting human rights, and each person can take steps to respect human rights. We will also share this policy with our business partners and other stakeholders and request their understanding and cooperation.

6. Disclosure of information

We will continuously disclose and report the progress of our efforts to respect human rights through our website and other means.

Established on June 16, 2021

Revised on August 10, 2022