SUSTAINABILITYMessage from the President

Sadanobu Takemasu
President and CEO
Representative Director
Chairman of the Board and Chief Sustainability Officer

I believe that the realization of Lawson’s Group Philosophy, “Creating Happiness and Harmony in Our Communities,” is the key to our contribution toward the SDGs. To this end, we have established six Material Issues*1 based on our business policy of “Three Promises (Superior Taste, Human Kindness, and Environmental (Machi) Friendliness),” and are pursuing various initiatives.
For example, in order to deliver “Superior Taste” to our customers, we have expanded our area company system nationwide, enabling us to further promote initiatives such as community-based store development as well as local production for local consumption. With respect to “Human Kindness,” we are making efforts toward creating store environments that are friendly to customers and comfortable for our crew members to work in. In addition, as part of our commitment to “Environmental (Machi) Friendliness,” we have taken on the challenge of reducing food loss through various means, such as discounted sales of products that are approaching the end of their sell-by time*2 and optimizing product ordering by utilizing AI technology. Moreover, we have “Ten Energy-saving Rules”*3 to reduce electricity consumption in our stores. In response to climate change and the recent call for energy conservation, we are proactively implementing measures, such as cleaning air conditioner filters and setting appropriate temperatures according to the season, which lead to a reduction in electricity consumption.
A particular example of initiatives for SDGs being undertaken at stores is the opening of restrooms to the public. In 1997, Lawson became the first convenience store chain to open its restrooms to the public in response to customer requests for easy access to restrooms at any time. Today, approximately 1 million people use our restrooms each day at our stores nationwide.
Keeping restrooms clean is a true display of “Human Kindness.” Particularly, we hear concerns from the elderly and people with disabilities that they have anxiety about accessing a restroom when they go out. Having safe and accessible restrooms available at all times leads to increased customer satisfaction. I have been continuing my activity of visiting stores across the country and cleaning restrooms since 2019, and I have found that stores with clean restrooms also have well-cleaned sales areas and are well stocked. My realization of the importance of keeping restrooms clean on a regular basis continues to grow.
People are returning to towns as the restrictions on activities due to COVID-19 have been lifted and society has shifted to a post-corona age. I believe that many people are feeling the importance of human connections even more now that we have gone through repeated restrictions on our activities. Lawson seeks to realize a “warm future” by creating new forms of customer service and diverse work styles through the use of digital technology under the concept of “business that is adaptive to changes.” At Green Lawson, which opened in November 2022, the introduction of avatars has enabled remote customer service, allowing the elderly, people raising children, and people with disabilities to work energetically with no restrictions.
Lawson will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2025. We will continue to cherish the bonds between people and aim to become “New hub of refreshment in every community,” evolving in accordance with the needs of each community.

*1 Six Material Issues

*2 The sell-by time is a time set by Lawson during which products can be sold and consumed with peace of mind by customers.

*3 Ten Energy-saving Rules