SUSTAINABILITY Lawson Group Environmental Policy

Working in a variety of innovative ways to make society more sustainable is part of the Lawson Group’s mission. We have established the Lawson Group Environmental Policy to provide the impetus for our environmental initiatives.

This policy is a statement of our commitment to caring for the environment and pursuing harmonious coexistence with local communities in every aspect of our business, in order to sustain the Earth’s natural bounty for future generations. In accordance with the policy, the Lawson Group proactively undertakes environmental initiatives while aiming to increase corporate value.

Our Commitment

To sustain the blessings of Earth for future generations, the Lawson Group will consider the environment and local communities in every aspect of its business activities, and strive to achieve sustainable development and coexistence with local communities.

Our Principles

  • 1. Promoting environmental conservation activities to help create a carbon-free society
    In order to combat climate change and create a carbon-free society, we will prioritize environmental conservation in all our business activities, such as by conserving energy and resources and reducing waste.
  • 2. Consideration in the development of products and services
    We will give due consideration to the impact on biodiversity and local communities of our business activities at every stage in the cycle of products and services, from procurement of raw materials to sales and disposal.
  • 3. Consideration in the construction and operation of stores and other facilities
    When constructing and operating facilities such as stores, we will make efforts to save energy and resources. In addition, we will dispose of waste, water, etc. discharged from stores and other business premises in an appropriate manner, and will endeavor to reduce and prevent pollution.
  • 4. Active participation in social contribution activities
    As a member of the local community, we will actively participate in social contribution activities for the sake of our children's future.
  • 5. Continuous improvements
    In order to achieve goals that contribute to the mitigation of climate change and biodiversity, we will implement the PDCA cycle and engage in environmental conservation by making continuous improvements to the way we do things.
  • 6. Compliance with laws and regulations
    We will comply with international norms, laws and regulations related to environmental conservation activities, as well as our own internal rules.
  • 7. Promotion of communication
    We will foster greater awareness of environmental conservation through education, while also promoting communication with stakeholders.

Revised on August 31, 2021