SUSTAINABILITY Lawson Code of Ethics

About the Lawson Code of Ethics

Lawson established the Lawson Code of Ethics as a clear code of conduct to ensure that the Group Philosophy and Lawson's Way are put into practice in its daily operations. With the Lawson Code of Ethics as our guide, we are working to become a Lawson that is even more trusted by our stakeholders.

Group Philosophy

Our ultimate aspiration as a group

We established the Group Philosophy to enable each employee to make common value judgments and act on their own to achieve customer satisfaction.


Common approaches to taking action

This clarifies our current vision of what we are aiming for as we conduct our business activities with the goal of fulfilling our Group Philosophy.

Lawson's Way

A specific code of conduct from an ethical perspective

Lawson's Way sets forth a common way of thinking that we should keep in mind when taking action to realize our Vision and Group Philosophy.

Lawson Code of Ethics

We established the Lawson Code of Ethics as a concrete statement of what we should pay attention to when taking action, based on an ethical perspective.

Contents of the Lawson Code of Ethics

  • 1. Basic Declaration
  • 2. Basic Stance and Attitude
    Compliance with laws and regulations, sincere behavior based on high ethical standards, consideration for others, respect for human rights, importance of consultations
  • 3. Relationship with Customers
    Ensuring safety and security, disclosure of information, protection of customer information, selection of and cooperation with business partners, response to customer feedback
  • 4. Relationship with Owners
    Sharing of values, equal business partners, consideration of power of headquarters, importance of accountability, fair support
  • 5. Relationship with Crew Members
    Compliance with labor laws and regulations, creating a workplace that generates the joy of work, use of crew members' opinions
  • 6. Relationship with Business Partners
    Working together for safety and security, partnering for mutual growth, appropriate business negotiations, fair business dealings
  • 7. Relations with Employees
    Workplace that recognizes diversity, consideration for the working environment, communication among employees
  • 8. Relationship with Shareholders
    Open company, requests to management, commitment to growth
  • 9. Relationship with Society
    Moderate behavior as a member of society, relationship with local communities, preservation of the environment, non-association with antisocial forces, relationship with politics and government, transmission of moral information
  • 10. Relationship with the Company
    Management of information, company transactions and personal position, prohibition of gifts and offerings, recording, reporting and disclosure, protection of intellectual property, prohibition of personal use of company property, compliance with other laws and company rules