SUSTAINABILITY Employee Relations

Health Management (Occupational Health and Safety)

Commitment to Health Management

Lawson promotes the health of all its personnel as an appropriate policy for a company dedicated to providing overall support for its customers’ efforts to lead healthy lives in accordance with its Group Philosophy, "Creating Happiness and Harmony in Our Communities." Our concern for employee health extends beyond individuals to include their families as indispensable factors in the Company's development. Employees can perform up to their potential only when their family life is fulfilling. Japanese society is also seeking to secure longer, healthier lives for its citizenry, moreover, as a means of stabilizing the working population and reducing medical costs. Lawson has made it a key mission of management to maintain and improve the health of Lawson Group employees.
Sadanobu Takemasu
President and CEO
Representative Director
Chairman of the Board
CSO (Chief Sustainability Officer)

Vision Regarding Health

We set our corporate vision to becoming “Hub of refreshment in every community” and aim to honor the “Three Promises”. Regarding our promise “Human kindness,” we promise to sell products and pharmaceuticals that are developed in consideration of the safety of food and health, and also to provide an environment that is friendly to our workers. We have established a system where organizations such as the Lawson Group Health Promotion Office, Human Resources Division, and Lawson Health Insurance Society as well as individual employees can follow the PDCA cycle to find issues, work on them, and then validate the results. This system helps us employees as well as franchise store owners and crew members involved in store operation to share and empathize with the meaning and purpose of “health” and work together toward improvement. We aim to follow the cycle constantly to have a firm grasp on issues so that we can carry out measures in accordance with changes in social environments and in values of employees.

*Click on the image to open the PDF

System Construction

As Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) and Chairman of the Health and Wellness Promotion Committee, the President bolsters and drives Lawson’s internal and customer-oriented health initiatives as well as its health management.
To keep Lawson Group employees healthy and improve their health, we established the Lawson Group Health Promotion Office where expert staff members are permanently stationed, as a unit directly under the control of the President. The unit implements various measures in collaboration with the CSO Assistant (Chairman of Lawson Health Insurance Society), Human Resources Division (Employee Health Team), Lawson Health Insurance Society, and labor unions.

Organization Chart

Setting of Target Values

In fiscal 2022, while the impact from COVID-19 remained strong, we began working toward our targets for fiscal 2025, which set the ratio of employees whose test values are within the appropriate range for the five items and of non-smokers at pre-COVID-19 levels. Those in the appropriate range of test values based on their health checkup results showed improvements in all items except blood sugar.
In order to achieve the targets for fiscal 2025, the Health Insurance Society and the Health Promotion Office will continue to cooperate and provide ongoing support so that each employee can lead a healthy and fulfilling social life.

*Figures are percentages of those
in the appropriate range
Against the
Targets for
Male 51.3% 50.1% 48.0% 46.8% 47.0% 0.3% 52.0%
Female 77.5% 78.2% 77.6% 75.4% 75.9% 0.5% 79.0%
Blood pressure 75.1% 75.5% 71.4% 72.9% 73.1% 0.2% 76.0%
Liver function 70.3% 68.9% 65.7% 65.8% 67.7% 1.9% 72.0%
Lipids 80.5% 81.1% 78.0% 79.5% 80.4% 1.0% 82.0%
Blood sugar 64.0% 64.3% 65.2% 62.2% 60.8% 1.4% 66.0%
Non-smoking 67.2% 69.3% 69.2% 70.9% 71.8% 1.0% 75.0%

Aggregate for all age groups and individuals enrolled in health insurance.

■Overweight: A BMI of less than 25, and with a waist circumference of less than 85 cm for males and 90 cm for females.
■Lipids: Neutral fats of less than 150 mg / dl and HDL cholesterol of at least 40 mg / dl.
■Blood Pressure: Systolic of less than 130 mm Hg and diastolic of less than 85 mm Hg.
■Blood Sugar: Fasting blood sugar less than 100 mg / dl and HbA1c less than 5.6%.
■Liver Function: AST less than 31, ALT less than 31 and γ-GT less than 51.

Improvement was seen in many of the answers to the six items in the health checkup questionnaire. Although there were slight changes for the worse in some items regarding questions on exercise habits and physical activity, we have achieved steady numerical improvements compared to fiscal 2018. The results suggest that the continuous implementation of walking events and other activities were successful in fostering a daily exercise habit among employees.
We believe that this contributed to the maintenance and improvement of employee health by counteracting the lack of exercise during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition, we were able to meet our target for fiscal 2025 regarding questions pertaining to sleep. We will continue our support to increase the percentage of employees who feel that they have improved their lifestyle habits.

Against the
Targets for
Number of persons who have been engaged in light exercise that cause them to sweat for 30 minutes or more per session, at least 2 days a week for at least 1 year 19.7% 19.7% 21.6% 22.2% 22.3% 0.1% 25.0%
Walking or similar physical activity in daily life for at least 1 hour a day 44.0% 46.4% 47.2% 45.2% 44.7% 0.5% 48.0%
Eating dinner within 2 hours before bedtime twice a week or less 44.2% 44.8% 53.9% 53.8% 55.1% 1.3% 60.0%
Rarely eating between meals or drinking sugary drinks other than breakfast, lunch, and dinner 84.9% 83.4% 84.2% 84.8% 84.3% 0.5% 86.0%
Having breakfast every day or skipping breakfast twice a week or less 55.9% 54.7% 56.3% 55.2% 56.8% 1.6% 58.0%
Getting enough rest through sleep 63.8% 64.6% 71.3% 65.1% 70.6% 5.5% 68.0%

Lawson, non-consolidated, excluding crew members

Publication of Health White Paper

We conduct numerical analyses of transitions in the health of all our employees and the results of various initiatives, and publish an annual Health White Paper showing the status of progress toward our target values along with results based on other health plan data.

Initiatives Regarding Health Checkups

Creating an Environment for Employees to Nudge Each Other’s Health Initiatives

We believe that in order to create a workplace where each employee can work in a healthier and more productive state, the support from those surrounding them is indispensable. To this end, we have appointed “health ambassadors” in each area and department, who are responsible for disseminating health information and measures to employees around them, and are working to create an environment where employees can improve their lifestyle habits, such as diet and exercise, as well as receive health checkups and consultations without hesitation.
We also provide any necessary information, such as the status of weekly health checkup appointments, to the managers of each department so that employees can respond speedily.
Effects of these ongoing efforts have been seen, such as the completion of health checkups and re-checkup reports becoming earlier and earlier each year.

Supporting Voluntary Health Actions

Increased Uptake of Optional Examinations (Cancer Screening)

Optional examinations are available in addition to the periodic health checkups, and the rate of examination has remained high every year. In particular, with the introduction of free gynecological examinations for all ages, the percentage of women across all ages receiving optional examinations has increased significantly from 54.9% in fiscal 2019 to 79% in fiscal 2022. Against such a backdrop, the low rate of brain health checkups remained an issue.
In fiscal 2022, we modified the appointment reservation system to enable easier confirmation of medical institutions where options are available as well as the addition of examinations. We also carried out an initiative to communicate the necessity and methods of examinations. As a result, brain health checkup rates have increased for both men and women, from 21.3% to 24.5% for men and from 16.8% to 24.4% for women.
The overall rate of receiving optional examinations has also increased from 60.1% to 62.9%, and the growing health awareness of employees is starting to be reflected in the figures.

Rate of optional examinations (Cancer screening) FY2021 FY2022
Males 35 years old and over *1 55.2% 57.6%
Males 45 years old and over (Brain health checkup only) 21.3% 24.5%
Females 35 years old and over *2 87.9% 88.6%
Females 45 years old and over (Brain health checkup only) 16.8% 24.4%
All females *2 73.7% 79.0%
Total of males and females 60.1% 62.9%

Lawson, non-consolidated, excluding crew members

*1 Gastrointestinal examinations, abdominal ultrasounds, etc.

*2 Including cases in which only gynecological examinations (uterine cancer and breast cancer examinations) were received out of *1

Response to Post-health Checkup Measures

The increased speed of periodic health checkup appointments and examinations has enabled the early implementation of post-health checkup measures for the subjects shown in the chart below. This resulted in a one-month early intervention for all subjects (high risk) in fiscal 2022 as compared to fiscal 2021.
In order to maximize the performance of our employees, we are continuing to build a system to ensure that they are connected to medical care by thoroughly confirming their re-checkups and following up on continued treatments. In addition, we regularly send health information directly to employees, in an effort to make them more aware of their health on a daily basis.
In cooperation with the Health Insurance Society, Human Resources Division, and workplaces, we will continue to help employees working for the Lawson Group to stay cheerful, delightful, and energetic while being in good health.

[Our Designated High-Risk Individual Categories and Specific Interventions]

Mental Health Initiatives

In line with our Commitment to Health Management, we are promoting comprehensive efforts to ensure that employees can work in a state of better mental as well as physical health, thus leading to higher productivity.
Industrial physicians fully participate in data analysis, training, and other initiatives, and we have a system in place to directly provide employees with expert knowledge and guidance.
We conduct stress checks and employee awareness surveys to measure and analyze employees' stress levels, job satisfaction, and satisfaction levels to identify problems by department and job type, and have established a support system that includes training for selected employees.

*Because employees' responsibilities differ by job type, it is important to implement measures that suit their respective work styles.

  FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Stress check implementation rate (%) 92 91 91 94
Engagement*1 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.3
Presenteeism*2 3.6 3.7 3.7 6.2
Absenteeism (days)*3 0.6 0.6 1.3 1.1

*1 Employee awareness surveys (5-point scale) were conducted up till fiscal 2021 and the UWES (6-point scale) has been used since fiscal 2022

*2 Employee awareness surveys (5-point scale) were conducted up till fiscal 2021, and the WHO-HPQ (11-point scale) has been used since fiscal 2022

*3 Number of days of leave due to injury or illness (average for all employees)

Details of Initiatives

(1) Understanding of actual conditions and usage of data (stress checks, engagement, presenteeism, awareness surveys)

Through analysis of the results of each survey, we are promoting the visualization of employees’ mental health. In addition, we provide feedback on information such as the characteristics of each department as well as examples of countermeasures so that each department manager can voluntarily analyze the results and take actions toward improvement. We also offer support to ensure that employees can manage their mental and physical health in addition to support for their operating practices.

(2) Fostering literacy

Line care

We are promoting the input of knowledge necessary for managers by having occupational physicians share the key points of line care with the managers of all departments, and by holding workshops for departments with high-risk stress check results. Workshops are organized based on operations, employee characteristics, and issues, and occupational physicians give lectures on intergenerational characteristics and communication methods, among other detailed responses.


We conduct e-learning programs for all employees to enhance their resilience and provide health columns and seminars from occupational physicians and public health nurses.

(3) Response to employees with health issues (consultations, work restrictions, absence from work and reinstatement to work)

In addition to consultations with occupational physicians and public health nurses, we have established a system to prevent the worsening of illnesses in cooperation with the Human Resources Division and workplaces. For employees who took a leave of absence, a return-to-work support program was introduced in fiscal 2020. Its purpose is to share information among four parties: the employee, the workplace, the Human Resources Division, and occupational health staff, with the aim of helping them avoid having to take another leave of absence. This initiative has led to the creation of a workplace environment in which employees can work comfortably even after their return to work, and as a result, we have been able to maintain a very low rate of employees having to take another leave of absence* (2.3% in fiscal 2022).

*Percentage of employees who took a leave of absence within the last five years and then took another leave of absence

(4) Consultation service and self-checks

Consultation service

We have set up both internal and external contact points to create an environment in which employees can feel free to receive consultations.


Simplified self-checks and fatigue level checks allow employees to assess their own health status and take actions to improve it.

Population Approach

We hold the Genki Challenge! twice a year under the motto of enjoying taking on challenges as a measure to improve the health of Lawson Group employees, with the main goals of fostering communication, improving health literacy through the use of apps, and promoting exercise by measuring the number of steps taken.
In fiscal 2022, the following measures were implemented as a collaborative health program between the Health Promotion Office and the Health Insurance Society.
As an incentive for both projects, Ponta points are awarded for entering health information into the app as well as for the number of steps walked. In addition, a prize was given to those who continuously entered their meals three times a day. Furthermore, we devised a plan to maintain motivation and continuity by having energetic leaders from each region post articles on Teams to introduce what is happening in their respective regions.

Population Approach

Genki Challenge! Group Expansion

In fiscal 2021, Lawson began fully-fledged efforts to involve Group companies in its Genki Challenge! activities. Since fiscal 2021, we have been promoting further collaboration in the field of health between the Lawson Group Health Promotion Office and Lawson Health Insurance Society, which has helped to raise health awareness throughout the Group. Our initiatives have also served as a tool for communication, something which is becoming increasingly scarce due to the remote working environment brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors. We will continue to promote health throughout the Group through this project.

  Participants in FY2022 Participants in FY2023
First half Second half Before checkup
Lawson Bank, Inc. 0 193 8
Lawson urbanworks, Inc. 61 61 15
Lawson Digital innovation, Inc. 0 5 3
Lawson Entertainment, Inc. 375 424 168
Lawson Store 100, Inc. 233 267 113
BestPractice, Inc. 129 90 16
Total 798 1040 323

Experimental Efforts in Enhancing Obesity Reduction

In fiscal 2022, we carried out a new Genki Challenge Plus experimental initiative.
Under the slogan “Let’s be a little (plus) more energetic than we are now!” weight loss to a BMI of 22, which is the standard for an optimal weight, was set as the sole aim. We set weight loss goals of 3% body weight for those under a BMI of 25 and 5% body weight for those over a BMI of 25. During the period, we took approaches such as distributing health information and ranking the number of steps taken on the app, but all of them were deployed on a voluntary basis rather than being mandatory.
The program was open to all Lawson Group companies (Health Insurance Society members) and 379 employees participated over a five-month period. As a result, 35 participants successfully lost an average of 5.1 kg.
We will continue to expand the Genki Challenge Plus and enhance our efforts to reduce obesity and help employees achieve their optimal weight.

Fiscal 2022
Genki Challenge Plus
Number of participants Number of participants who
achieved the target
Weight loss average
379 35 -5.1kg

Health Care Points

The “Health Care Points” program began in fiscal 2015 as part of the Population Approach to prevent and reduce potential health risks, but the number of participants was declining each year. Therefore, since fiscal 2022, we have decided to utilize the app already being used by many insured employees in the “Genki Challenge!”
By launching a lifestyle habits check and understanding check, part of Health Care Points events, on the app, we were able to reach out to a large number of employees. However, as this was the first year after conversion to the app, this attempt did not lead to an increase in participation. In fiscal 2023, we will further promote the use of the app and strengthen cooperation with those in charge of each company to promote participation in relevant events. (Figure below: Illustration of information delivery on the app)

Expenses Related to Employee Health

We disclose the costs of health-related initiatives for all employees each fiscal year.

Unit: Millions of yen

Expenses related to employee health FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
102 123 168 173 176

Promoting the Health of Franchise Owners and Store Crews
- a basic requirement for a company committed to supporting customer health

Maintaining the health not only of employees but also of our franchise owners and store crews is one of Lawson’s most significant concerns. We offer subsidies for physical examinations, flu vaccinations, etc. through the Lawson Owner Welfare Association along with a menu of other health support benefits.