ABOUT US Employees

Personnel System

Lawson's Human Capital Concept

Development of human capital that contributes to corporate growth through self-motivation and innovation

Figure for Sustainable Company growth

Both our Corporate Philosophy and our Code of Conduct formulated to contribute to its achievement have been implemented positively and systematically, with accompanying efforts to develop human capital to become core participants in activities to this end.
The image of human capital Lawson seeks to realize is of personnel capable of manifesting the Company's values through teamwork, continuous innovation to create value and determined action to achieve goals. The key behavioral characteristics of these personnel are self-motivation and innovation.
We have introduced a personnel development program to train all our employees to become more self-motivated and innovative. This equips them to identify appropriate employee behavior for achieving the Corporate Philosophy and for fulfilling their individual duties in order to complete their objectives for the year.
We have also developed an employee behavior and skill level evaluation program under our personnel management system with the aim of creating a culture that encourages self-motivation and innovation among employees. The program also seeks to clarify the scope of their responsibilities and the roles they must play to fulfill the duties of their respective posts. The manner of fostering employees as human capital is determined based on two evaluations: an evaluation of their behavior on the job and an evaluation of the business results they achieve.
We employ a Career Development Sheet to ensure employees' ability to determine their own career paths, and individual employees are also asked to specify their goals for the future in light of their personal histories and current positions. Interviews are conducted to support their growth as individuals.

Next-generation Training Committee Meetings

Efforts to cultivate candidates for management positions include next-generation leadership training planned at the management level, nurturing of candidates through interviews and other procedures, and, since fiscal 2016, convening committee meetings to confirm their progress. This system is structured to foster female leaders as well as their male counterparts.

Free Agent (FA) System

This system is intended to encourage employees to take on ambitious goals.
Employees who meet certain requirements can receive FA privileges, which guarantee their transfer to their desired job type and location.

Self-Reporting System

Under this system, employees reflect on their own past performance and report on their present status and goals for the future to their superiors.

This system provides employees with an opportunity to think about their own careers, actions and skills, while also helping employees and their superiors to better understand each others' positions through face-to-face discussion, including career advice, thus serving also as a valuable communication tool.

Varied Work Shifts

A system detailing the job contents of 21 different work shifts has been configured to maximize flexibility in offering a variety of work schedules.

Employee Award Program
ー Encouraging employee efforts to take up new challenges proactively beyond departmental boundaries

Guided by our Corporate Philosophy, we encourage every employee to think and act independently by employing two evaluation systems: the Employee Behavior and Skill Level Evaluation, which evaluates the employee behavior (processes) that produces positive results; and the Performance Evaluation, which assesses results concerning actual employee behavior.

We also encourage every employee to declare a career plan based on a career development sheet, and follow up by conducting career development interviews to support their growth as individuals.

In fiscal 2018, we discontinued the internal award system we had implemented to honor employees who addressed challenges voluntarily and achieved results in terms of operational or business performance improvement. We replaced it with the new L-Challenge (Lawson Challenge) Award initiative that inspires employees to suggest or implement ideas unique to Lawson. We are developing a structure for encouraging employees to take up challenges to improve work procedures and conditions from a Companywide perspective, beyond the scope of their own responsibilities, thus sharing their knowledge with others throughout the Company as a means of enhancing employee motivation and improving the business performance of the LAWSON store chain as a whole.

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