ABOUT US Employees

Health Management (Occupational Health and Safety)

Commitment to Health Management

Lawson promotes the health of all its personnel as an appropriate policy for a company dedicated to providing overall support for its customers’ efforts to lead healthy lives in accordance with its Corporate Philosophy, "Creating Happiness and Harmony in Our Communities." Our concern for employee health extends beyond individuals to include their families as indispensable factors in the Company's development. Employees can perform up to their potential only when their family life is fulfilling. Japanese society is also seeking to secure longer, healthier lives for its citizenry, moreover, as a means of stabilizing the working population and reducing medical costs. Lawson has made it a key mission of management to maintain and improve the health of Lawson Group employees.
Sadanobu Takemasu
President and CEO
Representative Director
Chairman of the Board
CHO(Chief Health Officer)

System Construction

As Chief Health Officer (CHO) and Chairman of the Health Station Promotion Committee, the President bolsters and drives Lawson’s internal and customer-oriented health initiatives as well as its health management.
To keep Lawson Group employees healthy and improve their health, we established the Lawson Group Health and Wellness Promotion Center where expert staff members are permanently stationed, as a unit directly under the control of the President. The unit implements various measures in collaboration with the CHO Assistant (Employment Medical Advisor and President of the Health Insurance Association), Human Resources Division (Employee Health Team), Lawson Health Insurance Association, and labor unions.

<Organization Chart>

Setting of Target Values

Until fiscal year 2018, with the goal of reducing the number of people deemed at-risk based on their health checkup results, health support measures were developed and rolled out. For 3 years from fiscal year 2019, the six key performance indicators (KPIs) are overweight, blood pressure, liver function, lipids, blood sugar, and smoking. The target percentage for the end of fiscal 2021 has been increased and health support measures are being implemented. (Standard values are listed below).
The table below is based on this standard and has been compiled from fiscal year 2013.

FY2013 Actual FY2014 Actual FY2015 Actual FY2016 Actual FY2017 Actual FY2018 Actual FY2019 Actual FY2021 Target
Overweight Males 50.2% 50.2% 49.4% 49.6% 51.6% 51.3% 50.1% 57.6%
Females 81.1% 80.7% 81.5% 80.4% 78.8% 77.5% 78.2% 84.8%
Blood Pressure 74.4% 72.9% 75.5% 73.7% 74.6% 75.1% 75.5% 80.6%
Liver Function 67.6% 68.5% 68.7% 69.5% 71.6% 70.3% 68.9% 77.6%
Lipids 77.8% 78.6% 77.8% 77.9% 80.3% 80.5% 81.1% 86.3%
Blood Sugar 65.8% 66.2% 66.4% 66.8% 65.4% 64.0% 64.3% 71.4%
Non-Smoking 62.6% 64.7% 64.9% 66.8% 66.7% 67.2% 69.3% 72.7%

Aggregate for insured person (not dependents) of all ages.

■Overweight: A BMI of less than 25, and with a waist circumference of less than 85 cm for males and 90 cm for females.
■Lipids: Neutral fats of less than 150 mg / dl and HDL cholesterol of at least 40 mg / dl.
■Blood Pressure: Systolic of less than 130 mm Hg and diastolic of less than 85 mm Hg.
■Blood Sugar: Fasting blood sugar less than 100 mg / dl or HbA1c less than 5.6%.
■Liver Function: AST less than 31, ALT less than 31 and γ-GT less than 51.

Publication of Health White Paper

We conduct numerical analyses of transitions in the health of all our employees and the results of various initiatives, and publish an annual Health White Paper showing the status of progress toward our target values along with results based on other health plan data.

Multi-tiered Health Business

Emphasis is placed on creating programs that support a healthy everyday life, strengthening stress checks, conducting sports competitions, encouraging leisure activities, and supporting the bringing-up of children in a way that people can live a healthy life, with an emphasis on the mental aspects.
Judgment criteria for each risk were established based on health checkups and employees have consultations with industrial physicians and public health nurses. In addition, diabetes prevention seminars are held as health measures.

<Poster promoting childcare leave-taking by male employees> <Softball Event> <Enjoying employee club activity>
Poster promoting childcare leave-taking by male employees Softball Event Enjoying employee club activity

<Follow up from industrial physicians and public health nurses>

Follow up from industrial physicians and public health nurses

<Diabetes prevention
seminar and practical training>

Diabetes prevention seminar and practical training

<Diabetes severity prevention program>

Diabetes severity prevention program

What is the Lawson Healthcare Points program?

1. Determine a Health Declaration

Employees must take a hard look at their health condition, determine a health challenge (target) to be addressed based on their health examination results and use a smartphone (the Web) to monitor their own routine activities. Employees who achieve their targets are granted applicable Lawson Healthcare Points.

2. Learn about health

The employees must take an e-learning course on health. Passing the test earns the employees applicable Lawson Healthcare Points.

3. Hold a health event

Any employee planning and implementing an internal department program or a health features-based recreational event on a workplace basis is granted applicable Lawson Healthcare Points.

What is Genki Challenge (Challenge for Better Health)?

We have the health promotion period twice a year to conduct a special event for all employees aiming to increase health awareness during that period. Employees can participate in the event as individuals or in a team and get Ponta points upon satisfying the requirements of each program or being ranked high at a competition.
The number of participants: 4,759 (the second half of fiscal 2019)

1. Aruite Genki (Walk for Better Health)

Use a step counter app on the smartphone to record the daily step count aiming for 8,000 steps or more per day.

2. Adjust Body Clock for Genki (Better Health)

Keep the body clock on the right track by using an eating habit tracking app on the smartphone to record the personal data on food intake, exercise, and sleep.

3. Low-Carb for Genki (Better Health)

Start the Low-Carb meal plan (with sugar intake per meal ranging from 20g to 40g) recommended by the Eat & Fun Health Association.

Industrial Safety and Health Promotion

We seek to create safe, comfortable workplace environments by promoting the “5S Methodology” with its focus on “Sorting, Systematizing, Sanitizing, Sustaining and Supervising” at the stores, and by providing store crews with manuals that clearly illustrate operating procedures.
We also hold safety management meetings to raise awareness of the importance of safe driving among store supervisors whose jobs involve driving and award official commendations to those with no history of traffic accidents or violations.
Should an accident occur during working hours, moreover, we investigate and analyze the cause and share our findings internally in an effort to prevent recurrences.

Promoting the Health of Franchise Owners and Store Crews
- a basic requirement for a company committed to supporting customer health

Maintaining the health not only of employees but also of our franchise owners and store crews is one of Lawson’s most significant concerns. We offer subsidies for physical examinations, flu vaccinations, etc. through the Lawson Owner Welfare Association along with a menu of other health support benefits.