Convenience Store Business in Japan
Lawson Business(LAWSON and NATURAL LAWSON) |
Existing Stores |
Sales |
102.4% |
Number of Customers |
105.3% |
Spending per Customer |
97.3% |
All Stores |
Sales |
103.0% |
*This chart shows the total sales of LAWSON and NATURAL LAWSON operated by Lawson, Inc. Sales of Lawson Kochi, Inc., Lawson Minami-Kyushu, Inc., and Lawson Okinawa, Inc. are not included.
*Existing stores: Figures of tickets and gift card etc. are not included.
Lawson Group |
Opening |
25 |
Closure |
12 |
Total Number of Stores |
14625 |
*The number of stores in Lawson Group includes Lawson, Inc., Lawson Kochi, Inc., Lawson Minami-Kyushu, Inc., and Lawson Okinawa, Inc.
Convenience Store Business in Japan |
Lawson, Inc. (Non-consolidated) |
Existing Stores |
Sales |
106.5% | 105.9% | 105.8% | 103.9% | 105.1% | 106.5% |
Number of Customers |
103.8% | 103.5% | 102.8% | 101.4% | 103.3% | 105.8% |
Spending per Customer |
102.6% | 102.4% | 102.9% | 102.5% | 101.7% | 100.7% |
All Stores |
Sales |
107.6% | 105.5% | 106.5% | 103.2% | 106.4% | 106.5% |
Ave. Daily Sales per Store (Thousands of yen) |
531 | 534 | 531 | 537 | 572 | 570 |
Existing Stores |
Sales |
106.6% | 106.0% | 105.9% | 103.9% | 105.1% | 106.6% |
Number of Customers |
104.0% | 103.7% | 103.1% | 101.7% | 103.5% | 106.2% |
Spending per Customer |
102.5% | 102.2% | 102.8% | 102.2% | 101.5% | 100.4% |
All Stores |
Sales |
107.8% | 105.6% | 106.7% | 103.3% | 106.6% | 106.7% |
Ave. Daily Sales per Store (Thousands of yen) |
536 | 538 | 536 | 542 | 578 | 577 |
LAWSON STORE100 Business |
Existing Stores |
Sales |
104.1% | 105.6% | 104.1% | 103.4% | 105.0% | 104.1% |
Number of Customers |
99.9% | 100.3% | 98.1% | 96.1% | 99.3% | 97.6% |
Spending per Customer |
104.2% | 105.2% | 106.1% | 107.6% | 105.8% | 106.7% |
Lawson, Inc. (Non-consolidated) |
Existing Stores |
Sales |
104.1% | 102.3% | 103.2% | 103.7% | 103.1% | 103.8% |
Number of Customers |
104.4% | 104.8% | 103.2% | 104.1% | 103.8% | 102.7% |
Spending per Customer |
99.7% | 97.6% | 100.0% | 99.5% | 99.3% | 101.1% |
All Stores |
Sales |
104.9% | 102.9% | 102.4% | 101.8% | 102.4% | 105.5% |
Ave. Daily Sales per Store (Thousands of yen) |
549 | 539 | 532 | 552 | 511 | 533 |
Existing Stores |
Sales |
104.1% | 102.4% | 103.4% | 103.9% | 103.3% | 104.2% |
Number of Customers |
104.7% | 105.3% | 103.6% | 104.6% | 104.3% | 103.2% |
Spending per Customer |
99.4% | 97.3% | 99.8% | 99.3% | 99.1% | 101.0% |
All Stores |
Sales |
105.1% | 103.0% | 102.6% | 102.0% | 102.6% | 105.8% |
Ave. Daily Sales per Store (Thousands of yen) |
555 | 544 | 537 | 558 | 517 | 539 |
LAWSON STORE100 Business |
Existing Stores |
Sales |
102.4% | 101.6% | 99.3% | 99.0% | 97.6% | 95.7% |
Number of Customers |
97.2% | 96.7% | 95.3% | 96.0% | 94.9% | 92.6% |
Spending per Customer |
105.4% | 105.1% | 104.2% | 103.1% | 102.9% | 103.4% |
*Existing stores: Figures of tickets and gift card etc. are not included.
All stores: Figures of tickets and gift card etc. are included.
The sales result of LAWSON Business (LAWSON and NATURAL LAWSON) in October is as follows*.
Existing-store sales (excluding ticket and gift card sales, etc.) increased 2.4% year on year over the same period and the average number of customers per store increased 5.3% and the average customer spend decreased 2.7% year on year.
The Lawson Group operated 14,625 convenience stores in Japan at the end of October 2023, including 132 NATURAL LAWSON stores and 648 LAWSON STORE 100 stores.
<Sales situation>
・In rice products category, sales of the renewed rice balls were strong.
・In “Machikado Chubo,” an in-store cooking service, sales of the renewed bakery such as sandwiches were strong.
・In bakery items category, sales were driven by new items such as “Melon-pan Bread with Salty Butter” and sales measures.
・Sales of MUJI products, such as baked goods and cosmetics, etc., were strong.
<Sales Promotion Measures>
HAPPY LAWSON PROJECT. “Go out and get good deal in Autumn,” etc.
Note : Sales of the LAWSON Business include sales generated by LAWSON stores (excluding Lawson Okinawa, Inc., Lawson Minami-Kyushu, Inc., and Lawson Kochi, Inc.) and NATURAL LAWSON stores.